Educational Sessions

Educational Space (RSVP at:

  • Please join us at our educational sessions to learn more about various topics relating to sexual and interpersonal violence. From 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, we will host separate educational sessions discussing the academic, financial and mental health impacts of sexual and interpersonal violence. Students will be able to choose which session they want to attend. From 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, we will host three separate educational sessions on Title IX, supporting secondary survivors and friends, and a survivor space for survivors where we will share tips on managing activism, involvement, and self care. Students will be able to choose which session they want to attend. Links to separate sessions will be shared at the event. See below for session focus areas:
    • Educational Sessions #1 from 2:00pm-3:00pm (pre-registration required) 
      • Academic Impacts: This piece of the live quiz will focus on the academic implications of students who are impacted by sexual and domestic violence. This session will discuss how survivors experience coursework, degree completion and retention issues and triggers in the classroom.
      • Financial Impacts: Financial Issues and Sexual and Interpersonal Violence can be hard topics to talk about, but they relate to each other in more ways we could imagine. This interactive session will discuss the short- and long-term impacts of sexual and interpersonal violence on survivors’ economic and financial wellbeing. We will also talk about resources to help survivors with their economic and finical well-being. We hope you can join us!
      • Mental Health Impacts: more info coming soon…
    • Educational Sessions #2 from 2:00pm-3:00pm (pre-registration required) 
      • Title IX Updates: more info coming soon…
      • Supporting Survivors: more info coming soon…
      • Activism as a Survivor: more info coming soon…